17 Sep, 2013

IMFG Forum 3: Borrowing Today for the City of Tomorrow? Municipal Debt & Alternative Financing

The Institute on Municipal Finance and Governance (IMFG) has released a new paper as part of its Forum series, authored by Kyle Hanniman, PhD.

Borrowing Today for the City of Tomorrow? Municipal Debt and Alternative Financing

This paper explores two critical local infrastructure financing questions: can and should municipalities borrow more to address their critical infrastructure needs, and what role should public-private partnerships (P3s) play in delivering local capital projects?

Authored by Kyle Hanniman, IMFG’s Post-Doctoral Fellow for 2012-13, the paper is the third in IMFG’s Forum series. It distills the key lessons from a two-part series of events IMFG hosted in early 2013, co-sponsored by KPMG, to discuss the role of borrowing and alternative financing mechanisms in addressing Canada’s municipal infrastructure needs.