Perspectives Papers | 2018

Bold Election Ideas for the Toronto Region

Elections are a time to assess what has happened in our community since the last election and ask questions – often uncomfortable questions – about the places we live and the environment we are creating for those who live here. In the lead-up to the 2018 Ontario municipal election, the Institute on Municipal Finance and Governance has commissioned a series of short pre-election papers to add to the dialogue and tap into the ideas of some of the GTHA’s most respected leaders. As you read these short papers, you will see that we have covered a wide range of themes – transportation, housing, homelessness, youth, neighbourhoods, Indigenous peoples, mental health, decent work, policing, universities, arts and culture, and regional and local governance.

These subjects do not always make for easy conversations, but elections are a time to probe our civic life and assess our progress – or lack of it – over the last four years. Where do we want to go and how do we get there?


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