Presentation | 2021

Local Implications of a National Housing Strategy: The Case of Toronto

Canada is facing a distinctly urban housing crisis. After decades of relative disengagement, federal and provincial governments are now working to manage the housing crisis. The 2017 National Housing Strategy (NHS) represents a potentially substantive shift not only in the degree of governmental engagement in housing development and affordability, but also in the role of municipalities and communities.

This presentation by Graduate Fellow, James Ankers, examined the implications for Toronto of recent national re-engagement in housing policy. It analyzed major elements of the National Housing Strategy, assessing how it differs from previous housing policy efforts, and explored the new policy tools and approaches the federal government is using to engage local partners in the development and management of new housing stock. He discussed the implications of this new approach for managing the country’s worsening urban housing crisis and for empowering municipalities and local communities in the process.

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