20 Oct, 2016

U of T News reports on the Toronto City Manager’s Address

Reporting for U of T News, Romi Levine provides highlights from the 5th Annual Toronto City Manager’s Address at IMFG, in an article entitled City Manager Peter Wallace warns of Toronto’s “risky behaviour” at U of T event.

Wallace spoke this week at the annual city manager’s address, hosted by the Munk School of Global Affairs’ Institute on Municipal Finance and Governance. A U of T alumnus, Wallace, who is in charge of a city staff of 30,000 and a $12-billion operating budget, outlined Toronto’s key challenges ahead of the 2017 budget announcement.

The U of T event was moderated by former city manager Shirley Hoy, chair of the university’s governing council. She says these challenges are ones “all municipalities in Ontario, and indeed, in Canada, are currently considering.”